Children Benefit, Nature Benefits
By David J Melville, Experiential Educator

Released in 2023! 'A quirky memoir'
Playlist book taster Vlog on youtube:
Enriching Environmental Encounters is a programme for primary school-aged children, by a well-respected outdoor educator who believes in holistic learning, hands-on teaching and experiential fun. A way to learn to cherish and develop confidence through nature.
Children benefit and nature benefits.
David Melville would like to credit the following organisations for photographs used of creative activities whilst working for them:- Forest Schools; Frying pan of orange food cooking!; stick frame portrait. Trinity Church Lewes; Bark rubbing, colour pallet matching, meet a tree blindfolded. A Rocha UK; all the rest, west London from March 2011- April 2019.
Children benefit from these environmental encounters with proven evidence that it improves their physical, mental, social and emotional well-being. In addition, confidence and self-esteem are raised along with a positive impact on academic achievement.
In fact, a full programme of stimulating activities linked to the national curriculum can be provided from reception class to Year 6 pre or post-SATS.
Alternatively, holistic and fun sessions around the fire-forest school style can be arranged, tailored to your needs and budget. What better way to finish the term than with a team-building exercise making shelters in the woods!

Nature also benefits by addressing this generation's disconnection with the outdoors. Previous generations have had 40% of children having close encounters, while today it is 10% and an alarming 40% don’t connect at all.
'This is depriving nature – habitats and species – of its future champions and constituents who will speak up and fight for its future.' (Isabella Tree, Wilding book 2018, Knepp Estate Nr Horsham, West Sussex.)
I have a suite of skills delivering enhancing experiences honed over 20 years teaching but specifically over the last ten where I have diversified outdoors using nature’s classroom.
For eight years I was the environmental educator at a Christian* conservation charity in west London engaging thousands of children at hundreds of events ranging from Country Parks, Community Gardens and also school orchards. I have even had the privilege of arranging field trips to Knepp Castle to study the micro-climate around the turrets as well as arranging trips to their eco-safaris.
Typical comments from staff are 'amazing time'; 'fabulous activities'; 'thrilling sessions' and the children, well, when asked about the best thing in the year said ‘the outdoor activities’ and 'putting out the fire!'
Lastly, my advanced studies in Post Graduate Level (4 masters modules) in Biodiversity Conservation and Management plus Forest Schools equip me for the task of catering for gifted and other special needs children.
* As a practising Christian, I work with all faiths and none, who share a common passion for nature.
Decide from the suite of activities, tariff and the level of commitment you would desire:​
Modelling practical sessions in the school grounds ZOOM INSET. ​​ For Primary School KS 1 - Mythology and KS2 – Life Cycles. (Part of the South Downs National Park Authority's Covid-19 Recovery Fund 'The Vibe' so free of charge!)
Introductory assembly
Regular weekly sessions (anything from 1-hour or a day per week)
Weekly workshops
Staff INSET days outdoors
A Rocha UK - Education Plans
For primary and secondary aged children (3-14 years old or the young at heart).
I project led the team that had this initiative of national online plans plus support resources while working for ARUK, Conservation. They are available here by their kind permission. The unique selling point is of engaging fun science (conservation) based activities outdoors and RE indoors or out. All linked to the school's national curriculum, but equally useful for communities and church groups.
If I can assist with these outdoorsy activities, just get in touch.
Enriching Environmental Encounters aims to work towards the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals for 2030.
Our activities can also be accessed through the national curriculum at Key Stage 1 through the topics of the Stoneage era, and at Key Stage 2 through the topics of the Tropical Rainforest by comparing and contrasting with our temperate forests. Other topics can be considered and tailor created as EEE believe nearly every subject can be taught outdoors.
The twin emergencies of climate change and the ecological crisis of biodiversity depletion are top of the agenda at the moment and should effect everything we do to minimise their impacts on our collective future.​

For BACS payments:
David Melville
The Co-operative Bank
Account Number: 67261549
Sort code: 08-92-99
Reference EEE001 (2, etc) xxx (First 3 letters of the organisation)
For cheques:
David Melville
Enriching Environmental Encounters CIC,
'Les Bergeronnettes'
1 Whiteways Cottages,
East Sussex,
BN7 3EX.
David J. Melville
B.Sc., B.A. PGCE, PGCert Biodiversity, Forest Schools L3
(+44) 01273 479256
(+44) 07946282634

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